Prepare yourself to act
Are you preparing yourself to be able to react if faced with an imminent threat? While it’s not possible to prepare for every scenario, you can practice various skills, ready positions and movement with the gun to test your on-demand performance. Incorporating a timer forces you to work under a time constraint that mirrors real world urgency and gets you out of your comfort zone.
This week I took the Retreating Bill Drill and added layers of complexity for both performance value and defensive utility, applying 90°/180° turns, different hand positions with eyes off target, forward movement then retreating, and some realism like single hand draws carrying a backpack to simulate carrying a child.
The standard Bill Drill is a great hard skill test of vision, grip and recoil management. Add movement and now you get out of a static ready position facing off on the target, which places much more demand on your skills.
Take a look at the video. I demonstrate five variations of the drill.
Prioritize your training.
Build on-demand performance through drills that develop and pressure test speed, accuracy, distance, and movement with your gun.