Embrace and learn from mistakes
During dry fire, I’ve been putting more work into my reloads from concealment. I wanted to confirm live, so I spent a little range time working on 2R2 (two-reload-two),
Practice is work and learning. It's putting in the time with dry fire. It’s making mistakes. It’s experiencing frustration. But don’t get so frustrated that you can’t laugh at some of your mistakes and enjoy the work.
What’s important to remember is what it’s not. It’s not perfect.
Whether you’re a newer shooter or more experienced, DO NOT GIVE UP. Everyone struggles. The road to proficiency is not found on social media. It's in the work that nobody sees.
Take a look at my latest video and see where I succeed and where things sometimes go wrong.
Prioritize your training.
Build on-demand performance through drills that develop and pressure test speed, accuracy, distance, and movement with your gun.