Don’t get caught flat footed
Movement impacts your ability to get rounds on target quickly and accurately. Do you have a realistic understanding of your capabilities? If carrying concealed every day, you want to answer this with confidence.
A great drill to improve shooting on the move is the Retreating Bill drill. Like the standard Bill drill, this is a great addition to hard skill development.
Adding layers of complexity, like movement, 90° and 180° turns, reloads, and malfunctions to tried-and-true drills is a great way to improve your overall skill set and keep challenging yourself. The movement changes the dynamic, impacting your perception of the target, the importance of a focal point, the behavior of your dot or iron sights, your draw and presentation, your grip, as well as speed and points of impact.
From a defensive stand point, the Retreating Bill drill scenario frequently plays out in real-world situations, giving this drill a ton of application and defensive utility.
Retreating Bill drill: From 5 to 7 yards, draw on the move while retreating, putting 6 rounds in the A zone. Shoot for under 3 seconds.
Give it a try!
Prioritize your training.
Build on-demand performance through drills that develop and pressure test speed, accuracy, distance, and movement with your gun.