For me, the drills I run are chosen to hone hard skills for repeatable on-demand performance that I can implement in any context I need. So go in with a plan, and don’t waste time just throwing rounds down range.

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  • USPSA Carry Optics 2/20/25
    • 2/21/25

    USPSA Carry Optics 2/20/25

    Match # 19 All Classifier Match. Out of 20 competitors, I finished 4th place in my division–Carry Optics–and 7th overall. It was a good match with a lot of good shooters. Good learnings and dry fire paying off. Some specifics are really starting to click well and some places where more work needs to be done.

    Of course, that's coupled with some stupid mistakes like clipping the wall, which essentially decimated my score for what could have been a good stage for me.

    Shooting stages and classifiers are a front and center, on demand, one and done, cold pressure test of your skill set. If you carry everyday, this is essential for your development and proficiency.

  • USPSA Carry Optics 12/22/24
    • 12/26/24

    USPSA Carry Optics 12/22/24

    Match # 18 All Classifier Match
    Took 1st place in 3 of the stages in my division. Secured a 3rd place overall finish in my division – Carry Optics. Pressure testing at a match answers questions about where your shooting skill lives. It informs your practice, and puts your on demand execution to the test.

    There is no "good enough", only that it can always be better.
    Consistency. Keep showing up, keep pushing forward. Lead by example.

  • USPSA Compilation 10/19/24
    • 10/24/24

    USPSA Compilation 10/19/24

    Keep showing up. Because the road to proficiency is in experience, practice, and most importantly, showing up. Parts of yesterday's match were good. However, for much of it, I couldn't get out of my own way. Shooting errors from loss of focus to not sticking to my stage plan to frustrating unnecessary procedural errors that cost me a ton of points. It's not always going to be good, and it hurts the soul when it's not, but it's all good learnings. I will take the experience and – I will keep showing up.

  • USPSA Compilation 8/17/24
    • 8/19/24

    USPSA Compilation 8/17/24

    Come out to a class. Train. Work to possess a skill set that's been pressure tested. A skill set you can be confident in because it's based on data, performance under stress, and experience. Not theories you've convinced yourself of. Everything works when you go slow, are close to the target, under no stress, and in your comfort zone. Your easy, slow comfort zone is stagnation and death, and in no way preparing you for anything.

  • USPSA Stage 2 - 8/17/24
    • 8/19/24

    USPSA Stage 2 - 8/17/24

    Second stage of yesterday's USPSA match. Finished 6th overall and 4th in my division (Carry Optics). Took 4th for this stage and had top ten finishes for four stages and two classifiers, 3rd being my highest.

    The benefit, skill, and experience you gain from competing is huge. The value of taking that same experience that's been pressure tested and executed under stress, and then being able to apply it in any context you need, i.e., defensive utility, can't be measured. Skill based on data, pressure, and experience not theory.

  • Cold start classifier
    • 7/31/24

    Cold start classifier

    Cold start. First classifier to kick off the day. What does your one chance on demand skill set look like when it's pressure tested? This might be important information for you to know for performance value and defensive utility.

  • PCSL 1 Gun 7/7/2024
    • 7/10/24

    PCSL 1 Gun 7/7/2024

    Match #11 PCSL 1 Gun. Out of 30 solid competitors I finished 8th in my division and 11th overall.
    4 top ten finishes out of 5 stages.
    Stage 2 - 7th
    Stage 3 - 10th
    Stage 4 - 5th
    Stage 5 - 7th

    After only one year competing, the amount of knowledge and experience gained is amazing. My shooting skill set continues to be significantly elevated with each match, class, practice session, and dry fire session. Some errors were made, and I'm still learning a lot about stage planning and patience. But overall, so many things that I've been working hard on were clicking throughout the day, which was outstanding.

    The crossover utility this has for the defensive side of things can't be stressed enough. On demand performance, aggressive shooting with accountability, multiple transitions, different distances, varying shooting positions, quick decision making, and super fast visual processing all under the stress of a time constraint. To say nothing of the stress of having your peers watch your entire run and score your targets.

  • Match stage 4 - 6/19/2024
    • 6/21/24

    Match stage 4 - 6/19/2024

    Good day of learning overall. There were some strong personal skill improvements I was really happy with. Hard skills I've been working on in dry fire and live practice. Also, better stage planning and blending the shooting to just flow smoothly through the stage is something I'm making progress in. Mistakes were almost exclusively in the vision area. Things I know and do but didn't implement in some stages. Things like having my eyes leave the target before I was done shooting and dragging shots. Not being patient and shooting my vision.

    A skill set that has not been pressure tested is a skill set based on theory. And theory can't be called upon on demand and under stress. It doesn't matter if it's for competition or defensive use. Be better.

  • Action Shooting 6/19/2024
    • 6/21/24

    Action Shooting 6/19/2024

    Good day of learning overall. There were some strong personal skill improvements I was really happy with. Hard skills I've been working on in dry fire and live practice. Also, better stage planning and blending the shooting to just flow smoothly through the stage is something I'm making progress in. Mistakes were almost exclusively in the vision area. Things I know and do but didn't implement in some stages. Things like having my eyes leave the target before I was done shooting and dragging shots. Not being patient and shooting my vision.

    A skill set that has not been pressure tested is a skill set based on theory. And theory can't be called upon on demand and under stress. It doesn't matter if it's for competition or defensive use. Be better.

  • Action Shooting 5/1/2024
    • 5/4/24

    Action Shooting 5/1/2024

    One of the stages from my last match. Videos from two sources. SG timer synced with my run is pretty cool to see and useful for personal critique. Consistently pressure testing and assessing my personal skill set for on demand performance under stress.

  • USPSA Carry Optics 11/22/23
    • 11/26/23

    USPSA Carry Optics 11/22/23

    Match # 7

    Cold, rain, and mud. The harder the road, the more the herd thins. Walk the walk or keep your opinions for the peanut gallery. A couple of highlights from my last match. Tried experimenting with some things as far as shooting pace and stage planning . Overall the match turned out well but I wasn't satisfied with parts of my performance. Some strong takeaways learned so regardless it's a win.

  • USPSA Carry Optics 8/23/23
    • 10/14/23

    USPSA Carry Optics 8/23/23

    6th place overall.
    3rd place in Carry Optics.

    Dry fire.
    This model works.

  • USPSA Carry Optics 9/20/23
    • 10/14/23

    USPSA Carry Optics 9/20/23

    Ran this match from concealment. One of my better stages for the day. The first half of the day was a significant loss of focus and killed me overall. In the second half, I was able to get myself back on track.

    Keep learning. Keep getting back up. Get uncomfortable and put yourself out there.

  • • 6/15/23

    Persistent student

    Officially a USPSA competitor in the Carry Optics division. Great experience, and I've got a lot to learn. I’m looking forward to continuing my development as a shooter and being an asset to those around me. Lessons learned will be integrated into classes and adapted for real-world applications.

    Persistently a student.
    Action over rhetoric.
    Lead by example.

  • PCSL Practical Optics 3/13/24
    • 3/21/24

    PCSL Practical Optics 3/13/24

    Running my stock G19 Gen 5 with a Holosun 508t. The same gun with which I train, practice, carry, teach/coach. This was a 50/50 kind of day. I was happy with some components of my performance, but there were errors in stage planning and some other things. All in all, it was a good day from a learning perspective. Some solid takeaways to work on for me personally and my next match. You can not count on a skill set that has not been pressure tested.

    This is just another tool to pressure test your skills for the real world. Yes, it's a game. A game that requires a high level of skill and on demand application. It reveals flaws in your perceived capabilities and puts you under a level of stress. Use this for what it is – a tool to enhance your capabilities. There are no cons. Ego, fear, and pride are killing your growth.

    Your skill set must be accessible on demand and under stress, or it is not a skill set you own.


Questions about classes, achieving goals and direction for where to begin? Call me to have a discussion about your training.

(267) 312-3416

Philadelphia, PA