
Mirror real world urgency

This drill helps develop hard skills for on demand performance while also having crossover defensive utility. A layer of complexity with the 180° turn on the draw gets you out of the perfect stance, staring at your target. Instead, you're forced to move, find your focal point, pay attention to efficiency of movement and execute a fast, safe, and efficient drawstroke. The turn also adds the defensive component of a realistic reaction time to an unforeseen threat. Since the turn adds time to your draw, it's especially important to train yourself to turn and lock onto a spot quickly. Because it is for hard skill development and defensive utility, I challenge myself to not simply accept A zone hits. Groups must be in the fist size range for accountability. Speed, accuracy, and accountability at 15 yds is a good step towards pushing you to learn to shoot more aggressively at farther distances. Adding some mental stress in the form of a timer helps mirror the urgency of a real-world application.


Pistol – Movement work


Retreating Bill drill